Combining the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine, with specialized facial acupuncture techniques, facial cupping and jade stone Gua Sha massage, cosmetic facial acupuncture helps you look and feel healthy, youthful and rejuvenated. Being one of the truest forms of anti-aging medicine, it works internally to optimize your constitutional health while simultaneously working externally to enhance the appearance of your skin; nourishing and healing the body from the inside out and outside in.
Facial Rejuvenation & Cosmetic Acupuncture is a preventive and corrective healing modality. This allows benefits to be discovered at any age. Beginning these treatments in your twenties or thirties can literally slow down the aging process by boosting your collagen and improving the health of your skin and body. In your forties, fifties, or sixties, these treatments will turn back the hands of time by softening the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and increasing collagen production, resulting in brighter, tighter skin and a more youthful overall appearance. Natural side effects of treatment are deep relaxation, improved sleep and elevated moods.
Some benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture include:
· Minimizes the Appearance of Fine Lines & Wrinkles
· Reduces Frown Lines
· Tightens Pores
· Increases Collagen Production
· Slows the Aging Process
· Relieves Facial Muscle Tension
· Brightens the Eyes & Face
· Improves Muscle Tone & Circulation
Lindsay has completed her training with and actively assists and apprentices with one of the most renowned and respected Facial Acupuncture and Rejuvenation Instructors in the field of Chinese Medicine, Michelle Gellis.